I'm following the book Pragmatic Agile Web Development With Rails 4th Edition, BUT I'm using Rails 3.2.2 instead of 3.0.5 as recommended in the book:
~$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p125 (2012-02-16) [i686-linux]
~$ rails -v
Rails 3.2.2
I got stuck when including AJAX to redraw the Cart without reloading the page. Here is the create action in line_items_controller.rb:
def create
@cart = current_cart
product = Product.find(params[:product_id])
@line_item = @cart.add_product(product.id)
respond_to do |format|
if @line_item.save
format.html { redirect_to(store_url) }
format.json { render json: @line_item, status: :created, location: @line_item }
format.html { render action: "new" }
format.json { render json: @line_item.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
And here is my RJS file create.js.rjs (under app/views/line_items):
page.alert('NO PROBLEM HERE')
page.replace_html('cart', render(@cart))
However, when I click the button that starts this action:
<%= button_to 'Add to Cart', line_items_path(:product_id => product), :remote => true %>
I get the following error in the development log:
ActionView::MissingTemplate (Missing template line_items/create, application/create with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:js, :html], :handlers=>[:erb, :builder, :coffee]}. Searched in:
* "/home/me/src_rails/depot/app/views"
app/controllers/line_items_controller.rb:47:in `create'
If I change the filename of create.js.rjs to create.js.erb, the problem is corrected:
Rendered line_items/create.js.erb (0.4ms)
but nothing happens in the view.... not even the alert. What am I missing? What is the difference between file.js.erb and file.js.rjs?