I have a WinRT/C#/XAML app with a view that has a vertical ListView of items. Depending on the amount of items the ListView shows a vertical scrollbar. Here's the XAML definition:
Source="{Binding myViewModel.Items}" />
ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource myViewSource}}"
SelectedItem="{Binding SelectedItem, Mode=TwoWay}">
Now everytime I navigate to this view, the selected item of the ListView is chosen by setting the databound SelectedItem property in the view model from code behind (OnNavigatedTo
). My problem: the ListView doesn't scroll automatically to this selected item. The scrollbar remains at the top of the ListView and the user has to scroll manually to see the selected item.
I tried to execute myListView.ScrollIntoView(MyViewModel.SelectedItem);
after setting the SelectedItem in the code behind (in OnNavigatedTo
), but it doesn't work. The scrollbar remains at the top.
I'm aware of this thread on SO: Scroll WinRT ListView to particular group . This seems to be a similar problem. But when I walk the visual tree of the ListView manually or with the WinRT XAML Toolkit, it doesn't find a ScrollViewer (returns null instead).