I'm looking to export a large SQL Server table into a CSV file using C# and the FileHelpers library.
I could consider C# and bcp as well, but I thought FileHelpers would be more flexible than bcp. Speed is not a special requirement.
is thrown on the storage.ExtractRecords()
when the below code is run (some less essential code has been omitted):
SqlServerStorage storage = new SqlServerStorage(typeof(Order));
storage.ServerName = "SqlServer";
storage.DatabaseName = "SqlDataBase";
storage.SelectSql = "select * from Orders";
storage.FillRecordCallback = new FillRecordHandler(FillRecordOrder);
Order[] output = null;
output = storage.ExtractRecords() as Order[];
When the below code is run, 'Timeout expired' is thrown on the link.ExtractToFile()
SqlServerStorage storage = new SqlServerStorage(typeof(Order));
string sqlConnectionString = "Server=SqlServer;Database=SqlDataBase;Trusted_Connection=True";
storage.ConnectionString = sqlConnectionString;
storage.SelectSql = "select * from Orders";
storage.FillRecordCallback = new FillRecordHandler(FillRecordOrder);
FileDataLink link = new FileDataLink(storage);
link.FileHelperEngine.HeaderText = headerLine;
The SQL query run takes more than the default 30 sec and therefore the timeout exception. Unfortunately, I can't find in the FileHelpers docs how to set the SQL Command timeout to a higher value.
I could consider to loop an SQL select on small data sets until the whole table gets exported, but the procedure would be too complicated. Is there a straightforward method to use FileHelpers on large DB tables export?