For my test, I need the first call to a stub to return one object, and the next call to return a different object. I have seen this in other mock object frameworks in record() blocks, but I have not figured out how to do it in FakeItEasy. FakeItEasy is the mandated framework in our shop, and I am using AutoFixture to generate fakes.
I looked at NextCall, but it doesn't look like I can specify a return value.
Here is an idea of what I'd like to do:
ReceiveMessageResponse queueResponse1 = fixture.Create<ReceiveMessageResponse>();
ReceiveMessageResponse queueResponse2 = fixture.Create<ReceiveMessageResponse>(seed);
A.CallTo(() => sqsClient.ReceiveMessage(null)).WithAnyArguments().Returns(queueResponse1);
//The following should happen the second time...
A.CallTo(() => sqsClient.ReceiveMessage(null)).WithAnyArguments().Returns(queueResponse2);
Any help is appreciated.