I am using a Maven plugin (jacoco-maven-plugin) which generates a site report whose images and css files are in a folder with a preceeding . (dot) in the name. For example: /site/jacoco/.resources/report.css
When I publish this to my pages.github.com site (using site-maven-plugin), everything is there in my special Github branch (gh-pages).
However, I'm getting 404's when trying to access resources that are in folders with a preceding . (dot) in the folder name.
A simplified example:
When I try to access this in my browser i get a 404:
However, if I remove the . (dot) from the folder name it works fine:
So I'm assuming pages.github.com doesn't support preceeding dot in the folder name (and Googling shows using a preceeding dot may not be a recommended practice anyway) but would appreciate confirmation.
Edit: FYI - when i publish similar to Tomcat it works even with folders with preceeding dot in name