Unfortunately, there is no out-of-box solution for this problem. Moreover, the solution with string slicing does not adequately handles rounding as well as overflows.
Therefore, it seems that one has to write an own function like this:
def to_fixed_width(n, max_width, allow_overflow = True, do_round = True):
if do_round:
for i in range(max_width - 2, -1, -1):
str0 = '{:.{}f}'.format(n, i)
if len(str0) <= max_width:
str0 = '{:.42f}'.format(n)
int_part_len = str0.index('.')
if int_part_len <= max_width - 2:
str0 = str0[:max_width]
str0 = str0[:int_part_len]
if (not allow_overflow) and (len(str0) > max_width):
raise OverflowError("Impossible to represent in fixed-width non-scientific format")
return str0
The resulting behavior:
>>> to_fixed_width(0.7653, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(10.2, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(100.2325, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(500.9874, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(500.9874, 6, do_round = False)
More examples:
>>> to_fixed_width(-0.3, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(0.000001, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(999.99, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(999.999, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(1000.4499, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(1000.4499, 6, do_round = False)
>>> to_fixed_width(12345.6, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(1234567, 6)
>>> to_fixed_width(1234567, 6, allow_overflow = False)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "<stdin>", line 15, in to_fixed_width
OverflowError: Impossible to represent in fixed-width non-scientific format
>>> to_fixed_width(float('nan'), 6)