I'm a bit rusty in C++ and I'm switching after a year of python. Naturally I would like to translate the laziness coming from python to C++.
I just discovered rot13 and I'm all excited about it. I found 3 ways of doing it and I wanted to do a little performance test. I wanted to see also if there is a difference in modifying the string in place or creating a new one. So I ended up having 6 functions.
In the first method, I use a std::map to map the characters, thus I've built a class that initializes the map, in the second I use a ternary operator, and the third I use a bit shift.
Now the functions prototypes look like this
// map dependent
void Rot13::convert_inplace(string& mystr){
string Rot13::convert(const string& mystr){
// ternary operator
void bitrot_inplace(string& mystr){
string bitrot(const string& mystr){
// bit shift
void bitshiftrot_inplace(string& mystr){
string bitshiftrot(const string& mystr){
I wanted to construct a function that accept those functions as arguments to then calculate the time and print the results
So I had a look at stackoverflow, 1, 2, and I came up with this
typedef void (*vfc)(string str);
void printtime_inplace(string title, vfc func){
I tried this construction yet this means I'm limited by the vfc
return type which in my case is either void
or string
, and by the fact I need to pass the pointer of the class.
Thus I will have to do 3 functions to accommodate the different functions, namely a function for the class member function, a function for the void return type and a function for the string return type.
So I asked myself, is this the case where I really need to use templates to not write 3 times the same function? I'm really not confident with templates but should I do 3 typedefs
and structure the printtime function to accept a template? Moreover is there a way to tell the template you will accept only these types (namely the one I defined)?
An other question, is this let's say a good design? or would you suggest an other design? An other implementation?
for your benchmarking function. – GramRot13::convert_inplace
is a class member function. Is that correct? – Jacquezstd::string&
rather thanvoid
and simply return th input string for the in-place versions. – Blintze