Maybe i am wrong but the way I interpret "Note All options are accessed via the data attribute" it says to access the functions in the following format
if you try to console.log($("#YOU_SELECTOR").data('DateTimePicker'));
You will see that it prints all those functions that it says are accessible
via data
attribute, a few I am printing below
"destroy": function () {
H(), I(), i.widget.remove(), i.element.removeData("DateTimePicker"), i.component && i.component.removeData("DateTimePicker")
"show": function (a) {
if (!l().prop("disabled")) {
if (i.options.useCurrent && "" === l().val()) {
if (1 !== i.options.minuteStepping) {
var c = b(),
d = i.options.minuteStepping;
c.minutes(Math.round(c.minutes() / d) * d % 60).seconds(0), i.setValue(c.format(i.format))
} else i.setValue(b().format(i.format));
o("", a.type)
a && "click" === a.type && i.isInput && i.widget.hasClass("picker-open") || (i.widget.hasClass("picker-open") ? (i.widget.hide(), i.widget.removeClass("picker-open")) : (, i.widget.addClass("picker-open")), i.height = i.component ? i.component.outerHeight() : i.element.outerHeight(), n(), i.element.trigger({
type: "",
date: b(
}), G(), a && B(a))
"disable": function () {
var a = l();
a.prop("disabled") || (a.prop("disabled", !0), H())
"enable": function () {
var a = l();
a.prop("disabled") && (a.prop("disabled", !1), F())
"hide": function () {
var a, c, d = i.widget.find(".collapse");
for (a = 0; a < d.length; a++)
if (c = d.eq(a).data("collapse"), c && c.transitioning) return;
i.widget.hide(), i.widget.removeClass("picker-open"), i.viewMode = i.startViewMode, E(), i.element.trigger({
type: "dp.hide",
date: b(
}), I()
"setValue": function (a) {
b.locale(i.options.language), a ? i.unset = !1 : (i.unset = !0, K()), a = b.isMoment(a) ? a.locale(i.options.language) : a instanceof Date ? b(a) : b(a, i.format, i.options.useStrict), a.isValid() ? ( = a, K(), i.viewDate = b({
}), t(), x()) : p(a)
"getDate": function () {
return i.unset ? null : b(
"setDate": function (a) {
var c = b(;
i.setValue(a ? a : null), o(c, "function")
"setDisabledDates": function (a) {
i.options.disabledDates = O(a), i.viewDate && q()
"setEnabledDates": function (a) {
i.options.enabledDates = O(a), i.viewDate && q()
"setMaxDate": function (a) {
void 0 !== a && (i.options.maxDate = b.isMoment(a) || a instanceof Date ? b(a) : b(a, i.format, i.options.useStrict), i.viewDate && q())
"setMinDate": function (a) {
void 0 !== a && (i.options.minDate = b.isMoment(a) || a instanceof Date ? b(a) : b(a, i.format, i.options.useStrict), i.viewDate && q())
.............. and more,
see below calling getDate()
in the demo via a click of a link. you can check after changing the date to verify.
$(document).ready(function() {
var picker = $('#datetimepicker7').datetimepicker();
$("#tog").on('click', function() {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src=""></script>
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" />
<div class="container">
<div class='col-md-5'>
<div class="form-group">
<div class="input-group date" id="datetimepicker7" data-target-input="nearest">
<input type="text" class="form-control datetimepicker-input" data-target="#datetimepicker7" />
<span class="input-group-addon" data-target="#datetimepicker7" data-toggle="datetimepicker">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></span>
<a href="#." id="tog">toggle</a>
object which is what I am looking for. – Constitutionalism$('#datetimepicker').datetimepicker('date')
works for me, can you provide a snippet or a fiddle showing the issue? – Scibert