JSON official site is where you should look at. It provides various libraries which can be used with Java, I've personally used this one, JSON-lib which is an implementation of the work in the site, so it has exactly the same class - methods etc in this page.
If you click the html links there you can find anything you want.
In short:
to create a json object and a json array, the code is:
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject();
obj.put("variable1", o1);
obj.put("variable2", o2);
JSONArray array = new JSONArray();
o1, o2, can be primitive types (long, int, boolean), Strings or Arrays.
The reverse process is fairly simple, I mean converting a string to json object/array.
String myString;
JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(myString);
JSONArray array = new JSONArray(myString);
In order to be correctly parsed you just have to know if you are parsing an array or an object.
{"name":"MyNode", "width":200, "height":100}
– Lyndell