So I recently installed the WampServer a few months back, with a pre-installed mySQL 5.7.
But I wanted to take advantage of the NoSQL features that come with mySQL 8.
To update it, I downloaded the latest MySQL version, extracted the folder to the bin directory of wamp64. I then copied the wampserver.conf and my.ini files from the 5.7 folder and pasted it in to the 8 directory.
I ran on the cmd line the following prompt: mysqld.exe --initialize-insecure
I then edited the my.ini file and changed every instance of 5.7 to 8.0.
But now when I run wamp MySQL doesnt start and I get this error: error
Does anyone know what I did wrong or how I can fix this?
have CHANGED between MySQL5.7 and MySQL 8 (not unsurprisingly) – Chemiluminescence