For the NVD3 multiBarChart, how can you remove zero-value bars? I've tried setting the y-value to null, but they won't go away.
I unfortunately don't have enough reputation to post an image, so here's ascii showing the issue. There are two stacked series in the following ascii chart--X and Z, with underscores (_) representing zero-value bars in the Z series:
| _
| _ X
| _ X X X
| _ X X X X X
| X X X X X X
What I need is the following:
| X
| X X X
| X X X X X
| X X X X X X
Edit: here is the JSFiddle for the graph
I've included an attempted fix of mine, which somewhat works (but not in the fiddle for some reason). The attempted fix is finding the first rectangle through a CSS selector and looping through them with, setting the height to 0 if the height is 1. The reason this isn't working for me is because the rectangles don't exist by the time the function is called--so now I need to figure out how to get the function to run after the animation is done.