How do I clear AND refresh ALL of my (general Angular and built-in UI-Grid) filters on a button click?
Background: I have built an application that uses the UI-Grid and takes advantage of the built-in filtering functionality. It also has a cross-column search written in angular.
Current Battle I want to be able to clear and refresh my filters on a single button click. So far I have been able to implement this for the cross-column search but have not been successful implementing it for the built-in column filters (which ironically I thought would be the easy part!).
Research Done On Problem:
1) Searched through the UI-Grid tutorials ... fail
2) Looked at the provided UI-Grid API ...partial success! Seems like I think I found what I'm looking for in the "clearAllFilters" function (here is the source code) but I cannot figure out how to implement it so onto step 3...
3) Googled like mad for implementation demos/examples/help/hints/anything!?
4) Asked for help on Stack Overflow :)
Thanks in advance.