So this is a continuation from my last question - So the question was "What is the best way to build a program that is thread safe in terms that it needs to write double values to a file. If the function that saves the values via streamwriter is being called by multiple threads? Whats the best way of doing it?"
And I modified some code found at MSDN, how about the following? This one correctly writes everything to the file.
namespace SafeThread
class Program
static void Main()
Threading threader = new Threading();
AutoResetEvent autoEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
Thread regularThread =
new Thread(new ThreadStart(threader.ThreadMethod));
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(threader.WorkMethod),
// Wait for foreground thread to end.
// Wait for background thread to end.
class Threading
List<double> Values = new List<double>();
static readonly Object locker = new Object();
StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("file");
static int bulkCount = 0;
static int bulkSize = 100000;
public void ThreadMethod()
lock (locker)
while (bulkCount < bulkSize)
bulkCount = 0;
public void WorkMethod(object stateInfo)
lock (locker)
foreach (double V in Values)
// Signal that this thread is finished.
to use as a lock. – Mchail