Based on your Application you can declare your global variable.
Scenario 1 : Declare inside the config
If you are going to use getter/setter methods (i.e change the variable frequently then go for config based)
Declaring the Appconstants
Ext.define('Practice.utilities.AppConstants', {
alias: 'widget.AppConstants',
config: {
mainVarTest: 'mainVarTest',
testvar: 'Testing value',
foo: 'bar',
meh: 42,
constructor: function(options) {
Calling the variable
var AppConstants = Ext.widget("AppConstants");
Scenario 2 : Declare inside Singleton class
If your application needs global variable but it wont be alter any more inside the app. This class help to load the constant variable only once. (i.e you are not going changing the variable). This type is suits for your application
Ext.define('Practice.utilities.AppConstants', {
alias: 'widget.AppConstants',
singleton: true,
testvar: 'Testing value',
foo: 'bar',
meh: 42,
var AppConstant=Practice.utilities.AppConstants;
Scenario 3 : Declare as Statics
Statics is static variable (exactly same as java). Advantage of using static variable is the life time of variable is indefinite longer period until explicitly cleared.
Ext.define("Practice.utilities.AppConstants", {
statics: {
mainVarTest: 'mainVarTest'
using @sha's approach ? – Dinse