Solved. Oh, the rabbit holes I traveled... At any rate, if you run into problems like this a couple of things to consider:
- ultimately I didn't have to write any code in
onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
- Ultimately I didn't have to make any considerations about handling the backstack in
or deal with it the activity's onCreate
- When first "adding" fragments programmatically to the FrameLayout, use
instead of `add' - this was likely one of the roots of my troubles.
- in onCreate check if savedInstanceState's bundle is null,
if(savedInstanceState == null)
, and if it is then I know that the activity hasn't been torn down previously by a configuration change, so here I build fragments that should be displayed right at activity start up. Other fragments that are programmatically brought to life elsewhere (ie, later than the activity's onCreate()
), they don't belong in the if
, they belong in the else
else onSaveInstanceState != null
and I know there's only one reason this thing's not null, because the system made a bundle named outState in onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState)
and hucked it at the activity's onCreate
method where I can now get my grubbies on it. So it is here that I know a couple of things:
- for sure the fragments I created in the activity's
are still a part of the activity (I didn't detach or destroy them), but, I cannot make that same claim for the fragments brought to life via a user's actions, those fragments may or may not be currently (at the time of orientation aka configuration change) attached to the activity.
- This is a good place for an
clause. One of things I initially messed up on was I failed to give ALL of my programmatically added fragments a tag; give all programmatically added fragments tags. I can then find out if the savedInstanceState bundle contains that key with savedInstanceState.containsKey(MY_FRAG_TAG)
and with getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(MY_FRAG_TAG)
So here's the activity's onCreate (simplified):
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// ...omitted code...
if(savedInstanceState == null){
// create fragment for collection edit buttons
editCollection = FragmentA.newInstance(someVariable);
// programmatically add fragment to ViewGroup
getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, editCollection, EDIT_COLLECTIONS_TAG).commit();
// else there be stuff inside the savedInstanceState bundle
// fragments that will always be in the savedInstanceState bundle
editCollectionFragment = (FragmentA)getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(EDIT_COLLECTIONS_TAG);
// fragments that may not be in the bundle
editItemFragment = (FragmentC)getFragmentManager().getFragment(savedInstanceState, EDIT_ITEM_TAG);
// This fragment is NOT programmatically added, ie, it is statically found in an XML file.
// Hence, the system will take care of preserving this fragment on configuration changes.
listFrag = (ListViewFragment)getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(;
// create adapter
adapter = new EditCursorAdapter(this, null);
// set list fragment adapter
// prepare the loader
getLoaderManager().initLoader(LOADER_ID, null, this);
And the Activity's listener for the list fragment, where FragmentC is swapped for FragmentA:
// listfragment listener
public void listFragListener(Cursor cursor) {
// checking backstack size
Log.d(TAG, SCOPE +"backstack size: "+getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount());
// With each listview click there should be only one item in the backstack.
// create new fragment
editItemFragment = FragmentC.newInstance(cursor);
// programmatically add new fragment
FragmentTransaction ft = getFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.replace(, editItemFragment, EDIT_ITEM_TAG);
ft.addToBackStack("pop all of these"); // was testing different ways of popping
// interesting: this reports the same value as the first log in this method.
// ...clearly addToBackStack(null).commit() doesn't populate the backstack immediately?
Log.d(TAG, SCOPE +"backstack size: "+getFragmentManager().getBackStackEntryCount());
And onSaveInstanceState is naked as a jay bird:
protected void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
Summary: I have the activity functioning exactly as I want it to.
Now, if I had a bunch of added fragments then I might handle them in a more programmatic fashion rather than by hard coding the if(savedInstanceState.contains(*hard coded key*)
. This I tested a little bit but cannot attest to its efficacy, however for someone out there this might spark an idea of what you can do:
Make a private Set of added fragments:
// Collection of Frag Tags
private Set<String> AddedFragmentTagsSet = new HashSet<String>();
In onAttachFragment
do something like:
public void onAttachFragment(Fragment fragment) {
// logging which fragments get attached and when
Log.d(TAG, SCOPE +"attached fragment: " +fragment.toString());
// NOTE: XML frags have not frigg'n tags
// add attached fragment's tag to set of tags for attached fragments
// if a fragment has become detached remove its tag from the set
for(String tag : AddedFragmentTagsSet){
Log.d(TAG, SCOPE +"contents of AddedFragmentTagsSet: " +tag);
Then in the activity's onCreate
and within savedInstanceState
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// ...omitted code...
if(savedInstanceState == null){
// create fragment for collection edit buttons
editCollection = FragmentA.newInstance(someVariable);
// programmatically add fragment to ViewGroup
getFragmentManager().beginTransaction().replace(, editCollection, EDIT_COLLECTIONS_TAG).commit();
// else there be stuff inside the savedInstanceState bundle
// fragments that will always be in the savedInstanceState bundle
editCollectionFragment = (FragmentA)getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag(EDIT_COLLECTIONS_TAG);
//////////// find entries that are common to AddedFragmentTagsSet & savedInstanceState's set of keys ///////////
Set<String> commonKeys = savedInstanceState.keySet();
for(String key : commonKeys){
editItemFragment = FragmentC)getFragmentManager().getFragment(savedInstanceState, key);
...but that is untested and presented merely to spark ideas; in trying to figure out what was wrong with my activity's handling of configuration changes I did stumble and fumble in this direction and think it might bear fruit for the right person; though ultimately, obviously, I found a simpler way to fix my issues this time around.