For debugging info from stored procedure in MySQL,there are following options through which you can do this.
1.Write into the file externally:
select "your_message" as log into outfile '/temp/brajesh.txt';
2.Use select command to print message:
select "result_message";
3.Use select command to print additional information with message:
select concat("Hello ! :", result);
4.Create addition table temp and push all message into it:
insert into temp select concat(result);
drop procedure if exists display_name_procedure;
delimiter //
create procedure display_name_procedure(IN name_val varchar(65))
declare result varchar(65);
set result := display_name_function(name_val);
create table if not exists temp (name_val varchar(65) not null);
insert into temp select concat(result);
select "penguin" as log into outfile '/temp/brajesh.txt';
select concat("Hello ! :", result);
delimiter ;