I'm working with HTML provided by coworker in .aspx and I need to program in .aspx.cs(C#) the functionality of the button he created using HTML. The code I'm dealing with is as follows:
<button style="padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" class="w3-round w3-blue">Ship</button>
<button style="padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 10px;" class="w3-round w3-blue">Rate</button>
I'm new to HTML but in looking at solutions to similar questions I often see the HTML code for a functional button looking more like
<button type="submit" runat="server" id="btnLogin" class="button" onclick="btnLogin_Click();">
and sometimes with an
at the beginning. I've tried simply adding the runat and onclick fields to the HTML that correspond with a C# method in the aspx.cs code behind but I haven't been able to make the button click actually trigger the method in the code behind. I've assumed that if I add the method with the name that follows onclick to the C# aspx.cs code then it would simply execute this upon the clicking of the button but I'm clearly mistaken.
Can I program the button's functionality in the code behind without changing the HTML provided to me? Or must I alter the HTML first and if so how?
are Web Forms controls. You can read all about them in the documentation. – Standifer