EDIT 4: "From" seems to be a reserved word in NLog. Changing it "FromID" worked. this is an awesome way to pass variables to NLog and still keep your code clean !!!! THANK MIKE!!!
EDIT 3. I really like this idea.:
Implemented a helper class as Mike suggested below:
public class NLogHelper
// Class Properties
private Logger m_logger;
private Dictionary<string, object> m_properties;
// Constructor
public NLogHelper(Logger logger)
m_logger = logger;
m_properties = new Dictionary<string, object>();
// Setting Logger properties per instancce
public void Set(string key, object value)
m_properties.Add(key, value);
// Loggers
public void Debug(string format, params object[] args)
.Message(format, args)
and in my main code, I have:
private NLogHelper m_logger;
public void Start()
m_logger = new NLogHelper(LogManager.GetCurrentClassLogger());
m_logger.Set("From", "QRT123"); // Class setting.
m_logger.Debug("Hello ");
And the target set in the config file as follows:
<target xsi:type="File"
name ="LogFile" fileName="C:\QRT\Logs\QRTLog-${shortdate}.log"
layout ="${date}|${level}|${event-properties:item=From}|${message} "/>
But the output has a BLANK in the place of the 'from' property ???
So I'm ALMOST THERE... but it does not seem to work??
EDIT 2: I am now trying to create my own version of the NLog call:
private void Log_Debug (string Message)
LogEventInfo theEvent = new LogEventInfo(LogLevel.Debug, "What is this?", Message);
theEvent.Properties["EmployeeID"] = m_employeeID;
The issue is that I have to format the string for the calls (but a huge performance deal)... but this seems like a hack??
Ideally, I would declare properties in the custom layout renderer and instead of setting those properties in the configuration file, each instance of my class would have the property set... something like [ID = m_ID]
for the whole class. This way whenever a NLog is called from that class, the ID property is set and NLog's custom layout renderer can use this property to output it. Am I making sense??
I'm new to NLog and have been looking at custom renderers.
Basically, my goal is to have my log statements be:
_logger.Debug ("My Name is {0}", "Ed", ID=87);
and I'd like my rendered to be something like:
layout = ${ID} ${date} ${Level} ${Message}
That's it. ${ID} can have a default value of 0. fine. But ideally, I'd like every call to have the ability to specify an ID without needing to have 3 lines everytime I want to log.
I've seen custom renderers allowing me to customize what I output but i'm not sure how I can customize the properties I pass to it without
https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/Extending%20NLog shows how I can add properties but I don't know how to call them.
Also, https://github.com/NLog/NLog/wiki/Event-Context-Layout-Renderer shows how I can set custom properties but that involved the creation of a LogEventInfo object every time I want to log something.
Nlog Custom layoutrenderer shows how to customize the output.. again... not how to customize the inputs.
This is for a Console app in C# targeting .NET 4.0 using VS2013
Thanks -Ed