I am developing some PHP on Ubuntu 14.04.4 LS. Running composer install
is failing and I can't figure it out. This was working earlier when I was using PHP 5.5.9, but I had to update to at least 5.6 in order to install phpunit.
Running php -v
PHP 5.6.23-1+deb.sury.org~trusty+2 (cli)
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies
with Zend OPcache v7.0.6-dev, Copyright (c) 1999-2016, by Zend Technologies
Running which php
which is kind of suspicious as it doesn't match php -v
(/usr/bin has: "php", "php5", and "php5.6")
Here is my composer.json:
"require-dev": {
"phpunit/phpunit": "5.4.*"
"require": {
"silex/silex": "~1.3",
"stripe/stripe-php": "3.*"
Running composer install
creates this output:
$ composer install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- stripe/stripe-php v3.9.2 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.9.1 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.9.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.8.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.7.1 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.7.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.6.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.5.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.4.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.3.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.2.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.14.3 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.14.2 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.14.1 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.14.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.13.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.12.1 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.12.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.11.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.10.1 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.10.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.1.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.0.0 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- stripe/stripe-php v3.14.2 requires ext-curl * -> the requested PHP extension curl is missing from your system.
- Installation request for stripe/stripe-php 3.* -> satisfiable by stripe/stripe-php[v3.0.0, v3.1.0, v3.10.0, v3.10.1, v3.11.0, v3.12.0, v3.12.1, v3.13.0, v3.14.0, v3.14.1, v3.14.2, v3.14.3, v3.2.0, v3.3.0, v3.4.0, v3.5.0, v3.6.0, v3.7.0, v3.7.1, v3.8.0, v3.9.0, v3.9.1, v3.9.2].
To enable extensions, verify that they are enabled in those .ini files:
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/php.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/10-opcache.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/10-pdo.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-calendar.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-ctype.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-exif.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-fileinfo.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-ftp.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-gettext.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-iconv.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-json.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-phar.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-posix.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-readline.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-shmop.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-sockets.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-sysvmsg.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-sysvsem.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-sysvshm.ini
- /etc/php/5.6/cli/conf.d/20-tokenizer.ini
You can also run `php --ini` inside terminal to see which files are used by PHP in CLI mode.
I followed these instructions but it doesnt work: Composer install error - requires ext_curl when it's actually enabled
Running php -i | grep php.ini
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /etc/php/5.6/cli
Loaded Configuration File => /etc/php/5.6/cli/php.ini
Running: sudo apt-get install php5-curl
php5-curl is already the newest version.
Running curl -V
curl 7.35.0 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) libcurl/7.35.0 OpenSSL/1.0.1f zlib/1.2.8 libidn/1.28 librtmp/2.3
Protocols: dict file ftp ftps gopher http https imap imaps ldap ldaps pop3 pop3s rtmp rtsp smtp smtps telnet tftp
Features: AsynchDNS GSS-Negotiate IDN IPv6 Largefile NTLM NTLM_WB SSL libz TLS-SRP
Any help is appreciated.
dpkg -l | grep 'php5-curl'
outputs:ii php5-curl 5.6.23+dfsg-1+deprecated+dontuse+deb.sury.org~trusty+1 amd64 CURL module for php5
– Panne