I am trying to create a RESTful API by using Laravel. I have created my controller using php artisan make:controller RestController and this is my controller code:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class RestController extends Controller
private $arr = array(
array("name"=>"jon", "family"=>"doe"),
array("name"=>"jhon", "family" => "doue")
public function index(){
return json_encode($this->arr);
public function store(Request $request){
return "oops!!";
public function update (Request $request, $id){
return "test";
I have added this line of code to create this route in my routes/web.php file:
Route::resource('person', 'RestController');
When I try to test this api on GET /person it works fine but on POST and PUT I am getting a 419 status code from Laravel.