I want to force Terminator to open at the top-left of my screen. When I saved the layout I had the window positioned correctly. However, whenever I open Terminator upon computer restart, the window is positioned near the top and about 1.5 inches from the left.
I've been messing around with the config file, but cannot figure out the 'position' paramters. For example, under [[[child0]]]
position = 36:32
and under [[[child1]]]
position = 834
Can anyone explain how to customize these parameters?
System info:
- Ubuntu 17.10, kernel 4.13.0-43
- screen dimensions: 1920x1080 pixels, or 508x286 mm
- Terminator v 1.91
terminator/config :
always_split_with_profile = True
suppress_multiple_term_dialog = True
title_transmit_bg_color = "#8ae234"
fullscreen = False
last_active_term = a69b1a79-eb9d-4c15-ac27-0502efc4c4f7
last_active_window = True
maximised = False
order = 0
parent = ""
position = 36:32
size = 808, 1014
title = bp@bpenner: ~
type = Window
order = 0
parent = child0
position = 834
ratio = 0.826560951437
type = VPaned
order = 0
parent = child1
profile = BP
type = Terminal
uuid = a69b1a79-eb9d-4c15-ac27-0502efc4c4f7
order = 1
parent = child1
profile = BP
type = Terminal
uuid = 454d7873-3e55-49a4-af8c-6456f99d5e1e
cursor_color = "#aaaaaa"