You can simply add .setDraggable("draggable")
to a layer and you will be able to drag it as long as there is an object under the cursor. You could add a large, transparent rect
to make everything draggable. The zoom can be achieved by setting the scale of the layer. In this example I'm controlling it though the mousewheel, but it's simply a function where you pass the amount you want to zoom (positive to zoom in, negative to zoom out). Here is the code:
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: "canvas",
width: 500,
height: 500
var draggableLayer = new Kinetic.Layer();
//a large transparent background to make everything draggable
var background = new Kinetic.Rect({
x: -1000,
y: -1000,
width: 2000,
height: 2000,
fill: "#000000",
opacity: 0
//don't mind this, just to create fake elements
var addCircle = function(x, y, r){
draggableLayer.add(new Kinetic.Circle({
x: x*700,
y: y*700,
radius: r*20,
fill: "rgb("+ parseInt(255*r) +",0,0)"
var circles = 300
while (circles) {
addCircle(Math.random(),Math.random(), Math.random())
var zoom = function(e) {
var zoomAmount = e.wheelDeltaY*0.001;
document.addEventListener("mousewheel", zoom, false)