I'm trying to hide the Cancel button of the search bar in the UISearchController, but unfortunately setting the following in viewDidLoad() does not work:
override func viewDidLoad() {
searchResultsTableController = UITableViewController()
searchResultsTableController.tableView.delegate = self
searchController = UISearchController(searchResultsController: searchResultsTableController)
searchController.searchResultsUpdater = self
searchResultsView.tableHeaderView = searchController.searchBar
searchController.delegate = self
searchController.dimsBackgroundDuringPresentation = false
searchController.searchBar.delegate = self
searchController.searchBar.searchBarStyle = .Minimal
searchController.searchBar.showsCancelButton = false
definesPresentationContext = true
I have also tried using the above code in this delegate method:
func didPresentSearchController(searchController: UISearchController) {
searchController.searchBar.showsCancelButton = false
This approach works but will show the Cancel button briefly before hiding it, which is not ideal. Any suggestions?