I'm trying to develop a pandoc (v2.18) lua custom writer for kramdown. Kramdown uses $$
as delimiter for display and inline math and so my writer looks like:
function Writer (doc, opts)
local filter = {
Math = function(elem)
local math = elem
if elem.mathtype == 'DisplayMath' then
local delimited = '\n$$' .. elem.text ..'$$\n'
math = pandoc.RawBlock('markdown', delimited)
if elem.mathtype == 'InlineMath' then
local delimited = '$$' .. elem.text ..'$$'
math = pandoc.RawInline('markdown', delimited)
return math
return pandoc.write(doc:walk(filter), 'markdown', opts)
Now when trying to convert a latex test file called vector.tex
this fails with the error message
$ pandoc -t kramdown.lua vector.tex -o vector.md --wrap=preserve
Error running Lua:
PandocLuaError "all choices failed"
stack traceback:
kramdown.lua:21: in function 'Writer'
I realized that it works and I get the output I want by replacing RawBlock
with RawInline
math = pandoc.RawInline('markdown', delimited .. '\n')
So there seems to be a problem with my usage of RawBlock
. I am new to pandoc and lua so maybe I'm missing something basic here. Can someone give me a hint what might be the issue here?