I'm trying to extend a one-to-many field in my Flask-Admin app to use a custom Select2 Field. The javascript code for the field looks something like this:
function format(data) {
if (!data.id) return data.text; // optgroup
return "<img class='flag' src='" + data.text + "'/>" + data.id;
function formatSelection(data) {
return data.id;
maximumSelectionSize: 3,
formatResult: format,
formatSelection: formatSelection,
escapeMarkup: function(m) { return m; }
I am unsure of what I need to change in my view code. I've tried something like this:
class PostForm(wtf.Form):
title = fields.TextField('Title')
photos = fields.SelectField('Photo', widget=widgets.Select(multiple=True), id='da2')
class PostView(ModelView):
form = PostForm
def _feed_user_choices(self, mform):
photos = Photo.query.all()
mform.photos.choices = [(x.path, url_for('static',
filename=form.thumbgen_filename(x.path))) for x in photos]
return mform
def create_form(self):
form = super(Post2View, self).create_form()
return self._feed_user_choices(form)
but its not ajax and there is an error when trying to parse the list.
I feel I'm close, but need some guidance to get there, thanks for the help.
for x in lambda
is trying to iterate over a function that's never evaluated. – Fipple