I have a project using an asset catalog and recently without any change on my part, the images are just not displaying. It displays this error:
2014-06-23 21:41:02.824 Project[8247:464100] CUICatalog: Can't find rendition for name: menu scale factor: 2 device idiom: 1 device subtype: 568
2014-06-23 21:41:02.825 Project[8247:464100] Could not load the "image" image referenced from a nib in the bundle with identifier "com.sieradzki.Project"
I know this has already been answered here: Asset Catalog Error: CUICatalog: Can't find rendition for name but the solution to that was with Cocoapods, but I don't use Cocoapods on my project at all and I don't even have it installed on my Mac.
? The image would appear to render correctly inside Interface Builder. – Brian