I was wondering if there is a in-memory OLAP server which can handle MDX.
I found the Wikipedia article. But it says nothing about in-memory functionality...
The only one I know of them is Mondrian, which is also one of the two open-source solutions mentioned in the wiki article above.
Until now I just worked with Mondrian a bit... I don't think Mondrian is a true in-memory OLAP server.
Here's why:
It has a in-memory cache, which contains queryresults. But their first execution takes long and has to be loaded from the RDBMS. (http://mondrian.pentaho.com/documentation/faq.php#Scalability)
I think the better way would be:
Load all the fact and dimension tables in Cache and then execute each query on this in-memory data.
AFAIK, Oracle will release with the 12c enterprise edition this year the possibility to have some (or all) tables in-memory. This would speed up the OLAP servers, which just queries the RDBMS-fact-tables with SQL.
...but the enterprise edition is very expensive...
I would like to hear some other opinions about this.
Best regards,