PTP vs Pub/sub
The point to point method using a message queue is the most standard method to go. Especially in a batch application I can not see immediate reason to use Publish subscribe which presumes you have multiple consumers of the same messages.
Theoretically If multiple functions need to be executed over the same chunks of data you can organize the different processors as subscribers this way scaling the application, but this is pretty advanced usage scenario.
Can messages be read in bulk from JMS queue:
The JMS specification here only talks (vaguely might be misreading it) about bulk acknowledgment of messages, but it does not set a requirement over bulk delivery of messages.
CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE - With this option, a client acknowledges a message
by calling the message’s acknowledge method. Acknowledging a consumed
message automatically acknowledges the receipt of all messages that
have been delivered by its session.
Simply put the answer with respect of the bulk delivery is "If the JMS provider supports it, then yes, otherwise no"
Most providers allow bulk acknowledgment of messages
Here is the Oracles' interface doing that:
public interface com.sun.messaging.jms.Message {
void acknowledgeThisMessage() throws JMSException;
void acknowledgeUpThroughThisMessage() throws JMSException;
A combination of CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE . + invoking the method acknowledgeUpThroughThisMessage on a . message will acknowledge all messages received up to that moment in time.
Manual acknowledgment of messages:
This can be achieved through CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE and the acknowledge method on the Message. Here I will quote you again the javadoc of the acknowledge method which is also referencing one more time your second question and it talks about bulk acknowledgment of all messages up to a point.
void acknowledge()
throws JMSException Acknowledges all consumed messages of the session of this consumed message. All consumed JMS messages
support the acknowledge method for use when a client has specified
that its JMS session's consumed messages are to be explicitly
acknowledged. By invoking acknowledge on a consumed message, a client
acknowledges all messages consumed by the session that the message was
delivered to.
Calls to acknowledge are ignored for both transacted sessions and
sessions specified to use implicit acknowledgement modes.
A client may individually acknowledge each message as it is consumed,
or it may choose to acknowledge messages as an application-defined
group (which is done by calling acknowledge on the last received
message of the group, thereby acknowledging all messages consumed by
the session.)
Messages that have been received but not acknowledged may be
that allows for the batching of messages in a single transaction. 2. Check out Pro Spring Batch of which I'm the author of for more details if you're looking for a batch book ;) – Antifederalist