XpsDocument is loaded from disk
Create a FixedDocumentSequence via XpsDocument.GetFixedDocumentSequence Method ()
Display the via a DocumentViewer
Would like to add to add header and footer to print
I don't need to add the header and footer back to the XPS document - only to the print output
I tried implementing DocumentPaginator but cannot get the sizing or placement to work
NOT the same as this footer to FlowDocument
I use the solution there for FlowDocuments just fine
Convert XAML Flow Document to XPS with Style
On the FixedDocumentSequence the sizing comes from document (I guess)
For example could mix landscape and portrait
I cannot figure out how to hook into the sizing and make room for a header and footer
I can stamp a header on it but it is over the top of the page
And landscape pages are cut off
Cannot assign a PageSize when it comes from a FixedDocumentSequence
As stated in the link it is a suggested pages size
DocumentPage.Size is read only
Even if I create DocumentPage of the Size I want when the page is loaded using DocumentPaginator.GetPage then the Size is overwritten
Even worse the DocumentPaginator does not seem to be properly aware of the Size as it does not deal with mixed landscape and portrait properly. Landscape is printed portrait and just runs off the page.
some one asked me to post code
there also might be a just plain better approach
see footer to FlowDocument for how to use it
this is where it breaks
// this gets the page size from GetPage - ignores size above
public class DocumentPaginatorWrapperXPS : DocumentPaginator
System.Windows.Size m_PageSize;
System.Windows.Size m_Margin;
DocumentPaginator m_Paginator;
FixedDocumentSequence fixedDocumentSequence;
Typeface m_Typeface;
private string printHeader;
private int? sID;
private string docID;
public DocumentPaginatorWrapperXPS(FixedDocumentSequence FixedDocumentSequence, System.Windows.Size margin, string PrintHeader, int? SID, string DOCID)
//m_PageSize = pageSize;
//m_PageSize = new Size(800, 600);
fixedDocumentSequence = FixedDocumentSequence;
m_Margin = margin;
m_Paginator = fixedDocumentSequence.DocumentPaginator;
//m_Paginator.PageSize = new System.Windows.Size(m_PageSize.Width - margin.Width * 2,
// //m_PageSize.Height - margin.Width * 2);
printHeader = PrintHeader;
sID = SID;
docID = DOCID;
Rect Move(Rect rect)
if (rect.IsEmpty)
return rect;
return new Rect(rect.Left + m_Margin.Width, rect.Top + m_Margin.Height,
rect.Width, rect.Height);
private Size sizeXPS;
public override DocumentPage GetPage(int pageNumber)
System.Windows.Documents.DocumentPage page = m_Paginator.GetPage(pageNumber);
Debug.WriteLine(page.Size.Width + " " + page.Size.Height);
m_Paginator.PageSize = new System.Windows.Size(page.Size.Width/2 - m_Margin.Width * 2, page.Size.Height/2 - m_Margin.Height * 2);
page = m_Paginator.GetPage(pageNumber); // this get the page size from GetPage - ignores size above
Debug.WriteLine(page.Size.Width + " " + page.Size.Height);
DynamicDocumentPaginator paginatorPage = fixedDocumentSequence.DocumentPaginator as DynamicDocumentPaginator;
paginatorPage.PageSize = new System.Windows.Size(page.Size.Width / 2 - m_Margin.Width * 2, page.Size.Height / 2 - m_Margin.Height * 2);
sizeXPS = new System.Windows.Size(page.Size.Width / 2 - m_Margin.Width * 2, page.Size.Height / 2 - m_Margin.Height * 2);
page = paginatorPage.GetPage(pageNumber); // still does not change the page size
Debug.WriteLine(page.Size.Width + " " + page.Size.Height);
//page.PageSize = new System.Windows.Size(m_PageSize.Width - margin.Width * 2,
//m_PageSize.Height - margin.Width * 2);
//page.Size = new System.Windows.Size(page.Size.Width - m_Margin.Width * 2, page.Size.Height - m_Margin.Height * 2);
//page.Size.Width = page.Size.Width - m_Margin.Width * 2;
// Create a wrapper visual for transformation and add extras
ContainerVisual newpage = new ContainerVisual();
DrawingVisual title = new DrawingVisual();
using (DrawingContext ctx = title.RenderOpen())
if (m_Typeface == null)
m_Typeface = new Typeface("Segoe UI Symbol"); //Ariel
//FormattedText text = new FormattedText("Attorney eyes only \uE18B \u1F440 Page " + (pageNumber + 1),
// System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
// m_Typeface, 14, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black);
string pageS = "m_PageSize.Width " + m_PageSize.Width + " m_Margin.Width " + m_Margin.Width + " m_PageSize.Height " + m_PageSize.Height + " m_Margin.Height " + m_Margin.Height + Environment.NewLine +
"page.Size.Width " + page.Size.Width + " page.Size.Height " + page.Size.Height;
FormattedText header = new FormattedText("\u1F440 " + printHeader + Environment.NewLine + pageS,
System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
m_Typeface, 14, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black);
ctx.DrawText(header, new System.Windows.Point(96 / 2, -96 / 4)); // 1/4 inch above page content
//text = new FormattedText(pageS, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
// m_Typeface, 14, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black);
string goGabe = string.Empty;
if (sID != null)
goGabe += Environment.NewLine + "Gabriel Docs™ sysDocID: " + sID;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(docID))
goGabe += " docID: " + docID;
goGabe += Environment.NewLine + "Page: " + (pageNumber + 1) + " Date: " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " User: " + App.StaticGabeLib.CurUserP.UserID;
FormattedText footer = new FormattedText(goGabe
, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, FlowDirection.LeftToRight,
m_Typeface, 14, System.Windows.Media.Brushes.Black);
ctx.DrawText(footer, new System.Windows.Point(96 / 2, page.Size.Height - m_Margin.Height));
//ctx.DrawText(footer, new System.Windows.Point(96 / 2, m_Paginator.PageSize.Height - m_Margin.Height));
DrawingVisual background = new DrawingVisual();
using (DrawingContext ctx = background.RenderOpen())
ctx.DrawRectangle(new SolidColorBrush(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(240, 240, 240)), null, page.ContentBox);
newpage.Children.Add(background); // Scale down page and center
ContainerVisual smallerPage = new ContainerVisual();
smallerPage.Transform = new MatrixTransform(0.8, 0, 0, 0.8, 0.1 * page.ContentBox.Width, 0.1 * page.ContentBox.Height);
newpage.Transform = new TranslateTransform(m_Margin.Width, m_Margin.Height);
return new DocumentPage(newpage, m_PageSize, Move(page.BleedBox), Move(page.ContentBox));
public override bool IsPageCountValid
return m_Paginator.IsPageCountValid;
public override int PageCount
return m_Paginator.PageCount;
public override System.Windows.Size PageSize
Debug.WriteLine("PageSize " + sizeXPS.Width + " " + sizeXPS.Height);
return sizeXPS; // this is not called
sizeXPS = value;
// m_Paginator.PageSize = value;
public override IDocumentPaginatorSource Source
return m_Paginator.Source;