I'm creating a big (satis) package repository in a GitLab CI build step and wanted to just host it in GitLab Pages (on premise install). This works flawlessly, until the public folder size gets big, as soon as not only package versions, but downloads are stored in it as well. I added a last step to the pages
task to show folder size:
$ du -h public
2.7G public
Creating cache default...
public: found 564 matching files
vendor: found 3808 matching files
Created cache
Uploading artifacts...
public: found 564 matching files
ERROR: Uploading artifacts to coordinator... too large archive id=494 responseStatus=413 Request Entity Too Large status=413 Request Entity Too Large token=kDf7gQEd
FATAL: Too large
ERROR: Job failed: exit code 1
Of course that is a whole lot. I managed to delete some outdated minor version and was at
950MB public
Still the same problem. After some investigation there seem to be two relevant limits:
- Gitlab Pages System Configuration: Max Pages Size (was set to 0 for unlimited)
- NGINX max post size in /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb (was set to disabled, seems to default to 250M). Which I changed to
nginx['client_max_body_size'] = '1024m'
Still the same problem. Even after deleting even more versions down to 580M
folder size the same error resides.
As soon as I disable downloads and thus only have <10M
everything works.
How can I debug the cause of this? Or is there some other hidden configuration?
max artifact size
? docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/admin_area/settings/… IIRC, the default is 100mb – Interlace