I am trying to configure a maven spring boot application to use spotless with google java format style. I would like as well to have Intellij formatting the code as the maven plugin does.
But i am noticing that the formmat applied differ a little bit.
One example: Intellij will not change the following 2 lines
private UserRepository userRepositoryMock;
But the maven plugin (using the command: mvn spotless:apply) will format like this:
@Mock private UserRepository userRepositoryMock;
<!-- optional: limit format enforcement to just the files changed by this feature branch -->
<!-- you can define as many formats as you want, each is independent -->
<!-- define the files to apply to -->
<!-- define the steps to apply to those files -->
<!-- define a language-specific format -->
<!-- no need to specify files, inferred automatically, but you can if you want -->
<importOrder> <!-- or a custom ordering -->
</order> <!-- or use <file>${project.basedir}/eclipse.importorder</file> -->
<!-- you can use an empty string for all the imports you didn't specify explicitly, and '\\#` prefix for static imports -->
<removeUnusedImports/> <!-- self-explanatory -->
<!-- apply a specific flavor of google-java-format and reflow long strings -->
On Intellij I added the the following code stile from google
Github site https://github.com/google/google-java-format
IntelliJ Java Google Style file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/styleguide/gh-pages/intellij-java-google-style.xml
Why the differences? What else may differ? How can I have Intellij formatting the code exactly as the google java code style format xml file?
Thank you so much for your help in advance