Is there a way to fake calls for android devices that I have plugged in via usb? Some way to trigger a call using ADB? If so, how do I do it?
I feel like this might be a duplicate question but I can't find a SO question for it. This is the closest question, but it only relates to the emulator.
Here's some things I've tried. I would like to do the reverse of the following command:
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.CALL tel:1112223333
Just like the other guy said in the question I linked to above. Except I would like to do this on a device, instead of in the emulator. For the work that I am doing the emulator is not sufficient for testing phone calls, I can only run my tests on actual devices. Our "solution" doesn't have emulator support.
So normally I would telnet into the local host using the emulator's port but I can't do that, so can I telnet into a plugged in device? Is there a way for me to fake an incoming call on a plugged in device?
To explain why I would want to do this, I am making modifications to AOSP at this time. At the moment we have not modified the emulator to work with our changes, but we are making modifications to telephony. Eventually getting the emulator to work will be important but at this time it would be ideal if we could test telephony with fake calls using the devices we have access to.
It is entirely possible that this is not even possible but if someone has experience with this I would love to know. I feel like there should be some tests somewhere for faking phone calls on devices before they release a device to the public.