When using my app in a foreign country, the google GMSGeocoder
is returning the response in local language automatically. how can I set it to always return the the response in English?
Im using GMS SDK 1.7 and my code is something like this:
GMSGeocoder *geoCoder = [[GMSGeocoder alloc] init];
[geoCoder reverseGeocodeCoordinate:self.cellLocation.coordinate completionHandler:^(GMSReverseGeocodeResponse *respones, NSError *err) {
if([respones firstResult]) {
GMSAddress* address = [respones firstResult];
NSString* fullAddress = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@, %@",address.thoroughfare, address.locality];
self.theTextField.text = fullAddress;
} else {
self.theTextField.text = @"";