I'm developing an update in an existing program. I'm replacing Posix's getopt_long() with boost::program_options. But my work doesn't work as I should: I want to have read arguments like:
-c config.txt
I was trying many possibilities from boost::program_options::command_line_style, but I can't find combinations which would give behaviour equal to getopt_long.
I found out that for arguments:
I need flags:
command_line_style::allow_long_disguise | command_line_style::long_allow_adjacent
but I have problems with founding flags for:
-c config.txt
I found that flags:
command_line_style::allow_short | command_line_style::allow_dash_for_short | command_line_style::short_allow_next
give me almost what I want. Almost because:
ProgramOptionsParserTest.cpp:107: Failure
Value of: params.config
Actual: " config.txt"
Expected: expectedParams.config
Which is: "config.txt"
so after using boost::algorithm::trim() it will be as I want.
So my question is: is it possible to handle arguments like -c config.txt with boost::program_options but without boost::algorithm::trim()?
EDIT I noticed that flags above don't work with unregistered arguments. I have registered options:
("help,h", "display help message")
("config,c", value<std::string>(), "use configfile")
("server,s", value<std::string>(), "server")
("ipport,p", value<uint16_t>(), "server port");
but when I use unregistered options (yes, I have basic_command_line_parser::allow_unregistered()):
I see:
the argument ('alibration=something') for option '-config' is invalid
My question after edition is: how to handle arguments working with getopt_long with boost::program_options?