I'm developing a cross platform app using cordova with an angular material front end.
I use HTML5 video tags in a list of md-cards to play videos with external urls. When inline the videos play correctly, and display the native controls as expected.
<video class="project-video" video-directive item="$ctrl.project" ng-src="{{$ctrl.project.videoUrl | trustUrl}}" preload="auto"
controls poster="{{$ctrl.project.video.thumbnail_url}}">
Your browser does not support the video tag.
However when I click the "toggle full-screen" button the video does go to full-screen, but the default controls disappear. I cannot get back to the app after this - the native android back button does not close the full screen - instead it closes the whole app.
The solution I am looking for will make the controls always appear even in full screen mode; this works out the box running the same code on iOS.
Therefore I do not want to spend time developing my own custom video controls just for android, if I can help it! So please do not post answers about how to do that (plenty already available on SO and elsewhere).
I am using a Meizu m2 note android device.
The controls are still there but are showing up in the shadow DOM tree in css as being of size 0 x 0px. Even when I change their size in chrome dev tools using the !important flag, they do not show up.
Any ideas?