How to refresh swiftUI view automatically after Core Data updating in background, without onAppear method being called?
struct Page1: View {
@FetchRequest(entity: Word.entity(), sortDescriptors: [])
var wordsFromCoreData: FetchedResults<Word>
@State var isPresenting = false
var body: some View {
NavigationLink(destination: Page2()){
List(wordsFromCoreData, id: \.self){item in
}.navigationBarTitle(Text("English Words"))
Yes, I think @FetchRequest
will help me reload the data automaticly after my Page1 appear
But, If I use NavigationLink
or .sheet
to get to Page2, swift won't call onAppear I think.
So, If I go to Page2, do some Core Data thing like fetching image from Internet, then I go back to Page1, it never show the data, but the data has actually existed in My Core Data. So, it means Page1 doesn't refresh the data in this situation.
Another situation works fine, for example, I set Page2 as another TabView
instead of NavigationLink(A Detail View)
, when I go back to Page1, the view has been refreshed.
But I prefer NavigationLink
to get my work done. So, Is There any way to refresh swiftUI view automatically after Core Data updating in background?