I'm evaluating Firebase to develop an application in SaaS mode, where people from multiple companies can access it. Each person in a company should only access data from their company and not with another company. Also within the company, profiles of what each person can access and what not can be defined.
The Firebase documentation recommends not using a multi-tenancy approach (https://firebase.google.com/docs/projects/learn-more). His recommendation is to manage a firebase project for each company. My doubts: Is this really necessary? Would it involve managing different Apps in PlayStores? Can Firebase projects be programmatically created?
On the other hand, Google Cloud launched a GCIP authentication service that allows multi-tenant (https://cloud.google.com/identity-platform/docs/multi-tenancy-authentication). My doubts are: 1. To use that with Firebase, would I have to create backend services with additional complexities to Firebase and Flutter? 2. Is it possible to use this service without losing the offline access property that Firebase offers?
Thank you,