I recently took charge of a software product which was evolved rather unorganized and I have established a new project structure,a source code repository, issue tracking and a buildsystem using nant and teamcity. I'm at the point where every commit to one of the major branches gets compiled, tested and build into a setup.
Always building and shipping full setups seems wrong to me and I'd like to establish some kind of automated patch building, but I have no idea of how to do that. Do you have any suggestions how I could do that or where I could find some information on the topic? Google was no help so far.
Some more details on my current setup:
Repository: - git: -- 2 major branches: development and master
Build system: - teamcity - 2 configurations: one for building each branch - build consists of only one build step: -- nant runner: nant script is part of the repository and contains the following targets: clean, init, compile, test, deploy, build_setup (using inno setup)
I guess I'll have to split the nant script into pieces and use different build steps to somehow compare the new build artifacts to older ones and create a patch containing the updated files. Am I on the right track and if so, does anyone know a good example or tutorial on how to setup teamcity.