I am trying to prepopulate the shipping/billing address in Shopify checkout via URL query params. I've found this is easy to do with the shipping address as referenced here:
But when I try to do the same with the billing info, the "Same as shipping address" radio is always selected on the payment screen and if I manually select the option for a different address, all values are blank
How can I prepopulate both addresses? I've tried adding the billing query params directly to the checkout payment page URL, but that does not work either. Here is the URL I've been trying:
demo-store.myshopify.com/checkout?checkout[email][email protected]&checkout[shipping_address][first_name]=John&checkout[shipping_address][last_name]=Doe&checkout[shipping_address][address1]=333%20Fake%20St.&checkout[shipping_address][city]=San%20Diego&checkout[shipping_address][province]=CA&checkout[shipping_address][country]=USA&checkout[shipping_address][zip]=92116&checkout[shipping_address][phone]=333-333-3333&checkout[different_billing_address]=true&checkout[billing_address][first_name]=Jane&checkout[billing_address][last_name]=Doe&checkout[billing_address][address1]=444%20Fake%20St%20&checkout[billing_address][city]=San%20Diego&checkout[billing_address][province]=CA&checkout[billing_address][country]=USA&checkout[billing_address][zip]=92121&checkout[billing_address][phone]=444-444-4444
Also, bonus question, the shipping state always seems to be populated based on IP address, so even if I pass it a value, it shows the state I'm in. How can I get it to always reflect the value of the query param?