I am working on a project where I have to extract the human sound from a audio .wav file using java.
The audio .wav file may have 3 to 4 sounds like dog, cat, music and human. I will have to identify the human sound then exatract that part from the audio .wav file.
I am using FFT.java and Complex.java.
Now I have written an AudioFileReader class which reads the audio.wav file from the hard-drive and then convert this to bytes array. Then used the above mentioned FFT.java and Complex.java to apply FFT.fft(bytesArray), which gives me Complex array in return;
Now the problem is how to extract the human sound byte pattern from the returned Complex array... does anyone know how I might be able to achieve this?
Edit: We are assuming a very simple audio.wav file. For example, cat sound then silence, human sound then silence, dog sound then silence etc. No mixture of voices.