Given a k-dimensional continuous (euclidean) space filled with rather unpredictably moving/growing/shrinking hyperspheres I need to repeatedly find the hypersphere whose surface is nearest to a given coordinate. If some hyperspheres are of the same distance to my coordinate, then the biggest hypersphere wins. (The total count of hyperspheres is guaranteed to stay the same over time.)
My first thought was to use a KDTree but it won't take the hyperspheres' non-uniform volumes into account. So I looked further and found BVH (Bounding Volume Hierarchies) and BIH (Bounding Interval Hierarchies), which seem to do the trick. At least in 2-/3-dimensional space. However while finding quite a bit of info and visualizations on BVHs I could barely find anything on BIHs.
My basic requirement is a k-dimensional spatial data structure that takes volume into account and is either super fast to build (off-line) or dynamic with barely any unbalancing.
Given my requirements above, which data structure would you go with? Any other ones I didn't even mention?
Edit 1: Forgot to mention: hypershperes are allowed (actually highly expected) to overlap!
Edit 2: Looks like instead of "distance" (and "negative distance" in particular) my described metric matches the power of a point much better.