I've created a custom Sonata page
Simple route
path: /admin/stream
defaults: { _controller: MedAppBundle:VideoChat/VideoChat:adminStreamCommands }
Controller that returns the admin pool
public function adminStreamCommandsAction(Request $request)
return $this->render('@MedApp/AdminSonata/Stream/stream_commands.html.twig', array(
'admin_pool' => $this->get('sonata.admin.pool')));
Plain view template
{% extends '@MedApp/AdminSonata/standard_layout.html.twig' %}
{% block content %}
{% endblock content
This works, I can access it on my website with /admin/foo
and I get a page which has the Sonata admin template with my 'foobar' content.
My question is, how can I add this route to the left and top navbar without having to modify the default template? That is because the left menu is rendered by a KNP menu:
{% block side_bar_nav %}
{% if app.user and is_granted('ROLE_SONATA_ADMIN') %}
{{ knp_menu_render('sonata_admin_sidebar', {template: admin_pool.getTemplate('knp_menu_template')}) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock side_bar_nav %}
And I somehow need to add my new page to be rendered by this menu.
Normally, a page is added through a service, but these are built on top of an entity:
class: Bundle\Class
arguments: [~, Bundle\Entity\Entityname, ~]
- { name: sonata.admin, manager_type: orm, group: admin, label: CustomName}
My page is not using an entity, though, just static content or content that is not dependant on an entity.
I know already that I can modify the blocks that generate the menus, but I was thinking that the best way would be to add my class as a service tagged as sonata.admin that doesn't have an orm manager_type, in other words, is not an Entity. How can that be done?