The OleDb provider does not expose performance counters.
Unfortunately, This is True.
But on the other hand the three providers you have mentioned have performance counters:
- .NET Data Provider for Oracle
- .NET Data Provider for Sql Server
- ODP.NET Managed
(1,2) .NET Data Provider for Oracle and .NET Data Provider for Sql Server
The .NET Data Provider for Oracle is not the System.Data.OLEDB
provider it is the System.Data.OracleClient
Provider and it has performance counters.
Based on Performance Counters in ADO.NET official documentation:
ADO.NET 2.0 introduced expanded support for performance counters that includes support for both System.Data.SqlClient and System.Data.OracleClient.
And in System.Data.OracleClient Namespace documentation they mentioned that:
The System.Data.OracleClient namespace is the .NET Framework Data Provider for Oracle.
So, What is System.Data.OLEDB?
Referring to System.Data.OleDb Namespace official documentation:
The System.Data.OleDb namespace is the.NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB.
And it doesn't looks like Microsoft has mentioned anything related to this Provider when talking about performance counters.
(3) Oracle Data Provider for .NET
Referring to Data Provider for .NET Developer's Guide:
Installing Oracle Data Provider for .NET creates a set of performance counters on the target system. These performance counters are published by ODP.NET for each ODP.NET client application. These performance counters can be viewed using Windows Performance Monitor (Perfmon).
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