One option is to use bracket notation, as suggested in a comment.
export default interface RRule {Frequency: string; Weekday: string};
import RRule from "./rrule";
export interface RecurringEvent {
title: string;
color: any;
rrule?: {
freq: RRule["Frequency"];
bymonth?: number;
bymonthday?: number;
byweekday?: RRule["Weekday"][];
In vanilla with JSDoc:
* @typedef {Object} RRule
* @property {string} RRule.Frequency
* @property {string} RRule.Weekday
/** @type {RRule} */
const RRule = {Frequency: "", Weekday: ""};
export default RRule;
/** @typedef {import("./rrule").RRule} RRule */
* @typedef {Object} RecurringEvent
* @property {string} title
* @property {any} color
* @property {{
* freq: RRule["Frequency"];
* bymonth?: number;
* bymonthday?: number;
* byweekday?: RRule["Weekday"][];
* }} [rrule]
/** @type {RecurringEvent} */
const recurringEvent = {
title: "",
color: "",
rrule: {
freq: "",
bymonth: 0,
bymonthday: 0,
byweekday: [""],
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Command: tsc --project ./jsconfig.json
syntax with types to access the member like that. – Dumbarton