I've integrated the Binance API in my project to show a list of all supported symbols and their corresponding icon. However, I'm unable to fetch the symbols name/description
For instance, I can fetch BTC-EUR, but I can't fetch 'Bitcoin' or similar through a public endpoint. At least, I haven't found the endpoint so far.
For now, I'm using a private endpoint (which is behind authentication) at /sapi/v1/margin/allAssets
. This returns me the name/description
for each symbol, but as you can imagine I want to prevent usage of private API tokens on fetching public
"assetFullName": "Bitcoin", <----- This is what I'm looking on a public endpoint
"assetName": "BTC",
"isBorrowable": true,
"isMortgageable": true,
"userMinBorrow": "0.00000000",
"userMinRepay": "0.00000000"
So, my question is whether there is a public endpoint available to fetch the same information? Right now, I'm using the endpoint /api/v3/exchangeInfo
to retrieve the available symbols on the exchange, but this response hasn't got the name/description
of the symbol in it...
"symbols": [
"symbol": "ETHBTC",
"status": "TRADING",
"baseAsset": "ETH",
"baseAssetPrecision": 8,
"quoteAsset": "BTC",
"quotePrecision": 8,
"quoteAssetPrecision": 8,
"orderTypes": [
"icebergAllowed": true,
"ocoAllowed": true,
"isSpotTradingAllowed": true,
"isMarginTradingAllowed": true,
"filters": [
//These are defined in the Filters section.
//All filters are optional
"permissions": [
I've already looked for public endpoints about listing assets
, as that's usually the namespace other exchanges return this information for, but I can't find such an endpoint in the documentation of the Binance API
endpoint, either. 158:515 (June 2022) – Farl