I had the same need and my solution was pretty much what @Edmund said above.
The only downside I found so far is that since my query looks for the MAX() value of the sequence column, in theory, the number could be re-used if you delete the latest row (= by doing that you decrement the max recorded sequence number) and add a new one.
In some future iteration I will probably create a table dedicated to storing max values of each separate sequence, but I want to do some performance testing on how would that work under a heavy load. I'm effectively replacing native sequences without all their optimisations, which must come with downsides.
In my case, I am using the sequence numbers over a lot of columns with different partition columns, so I created a universal function I call from my triggers.
Here is the function. You'll need hstore
extension to run it.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION nssequence_nextval()
RETURNS trigger AS $$
query text;
nextval bigint;
RAISE EXCEPTION '% did not supply nssequence_nextval with the required arguments.', TG_NAME;
query := 'SELECT COALESCE(MAX(%I)::text, ''0'')::bigint + 1 FROM %I.%I WHERE organisation_id = $1.organisation_id AND %I = $1.%I'::text; -- In my context, every row has an organisation_id as my app is multi-tenant-capable. Adjust this query to your needs.
EXECUTE format(
TG_ARGV[0], -- MAX(%I)::text, the column holding the sequence
TG_TABLE_SCHEMA, TG_TABLE_NAME, -- FROM %I.%I - the table we are working with
TG_ARGV[1], TG_ARGV[1] -- %I = $1.%I -- the column with the sequence namespace. Ideally a parent entity's UUID.
) USING NEW INTO nextval;
-- The property name is the first argument of the trigger function, so we need hstore to set it.
-- See https://mcmap.net/q/28915/-how-to-set-value-of-composite-variable-field-using-dynamic-sql/7782641#7782641
NEW := NEW #= hstore(TG_ARGV[0]::text, nextval::text);
$$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
and here is the trigger for each column (replace things in square brackets with actual names):
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER [nssequence_trigger_name]
BEFORE INSERT ON [schema.table]
EXECUTE PROCEDURE nssequence_nextval('[sequence_column_name]', '[partition_column_name]')
Just by the way, I have automated this. I use a column comment on each sequence column, such as nssequence:partition_column_name
. I also wrote a script that looks for all columns that have the such comment and adds the triggers to them.
This is the query to find all sequence columns:
DISTINCT pgd.objoid, -- only used for filtering out duplicates
FROM pg_catalog.pg_statio_all_tables as st
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_description pgd ON (
pgd.objoid = st.relid
INNER JOIN information_schema.columns c ON (
pgd.objsubid = c.ordinal_position
AND c.table_schema = st.schemaname
AND c.table_name = st.relname
INNER JOIN information_schema.tables t ON (
t.table_type = 'BASE TABLE'
t.table_schema != 'information_schema'
AND t.table_schema NOT LIKE 'pg_%'
AND pgd.description LIKE 'nssequence%'
Finally I also have a cleanup mechanism in place that looks for triggers that are created over columns that no longer exist or no longer say they are a sequence number, but that's probably too much detail for this answer.