i have been experimenting with javascript gesture libraries. They all work great with the iPad mini, however, when I try them on my Samsung Galaxy Tab (GT-P7510, Android 4.04), the results are at best intermittent.
The best results I get are in portrait mode. In landscape mode, virtually nothing works.
I have tried, amongst others, the following libraries, all of which I found from this post: http://www.queness.com/post/11755/11-multi-touch-and-touch-events-javascript-libraries
- hammer.js
- quo.js
- touchy
- doubletap
- jgestures
- touchswipe
Touchswipe worked best, but all the others just didn't really play ball.
The Hammer page has a demo, which works fine on the ipad but not the android:
So, does anybody know of any way I can get swipe gestures to play nice on my galaxy?
I have viewed the quirksmode page that a previous stackoverflow question pointed to, but that was out of date and no longer maintained, from what I could see. Also, it didn't actually mention any libraries.