You can use StAX
. The StAX
parser streams like SAX
but maintains a cursor and allows you to extract content at the cursor by using hasNext()
and next()
The following code is adapted from this java example. Note this is my first attempt ever with jython, so don't hang me if I did something unconventionally, but the example works.
from import XMLStreamConstants, XMLInputFactory, XMLStreamReader
from import ByteArrayInputStream;
from java.lang import String
xml = String(
"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<employee id="111">
<employee id="112">
<employee id="113">
class Employee:
id = None
firstName = None
lastName = None
location = None
def __str__(self):
return self.firstName + " " + self.lastName + "(" + + ") " + self.location
factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes()))
employees = []
employee = None
tagContent = None
while reader.hasNext():
event =;
if event == XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT:
if "employee" == reader.getLocalName():
employee = Employee() = reader.getAttributeValue(0)
elif event == XMLStreamConstants.CHARACTERS:
tagContent = reader.getText()
elif event == XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT:
if "employee" == reader.getLocalName():
elif "firstName" == reader.getLocalName():
employee.firstName = tagContent
elif "lastName" == reader.getLocalName():
employee.lastName = tagContent
elif "location" == reader.getLocalName():
employee.location = tagContent
for employee in employees:
print employee
parser.feed("<doc>"); do_something_other(); parser.feed("</doc>")
– Essentiality