I have a C++ project in CMake and I have implemented unit tests (using GoogleTest) as well as integration tests i.e. executing applications and checking the results using regexp e.g.
add_test(NAME MyAppIntegration.testRefitRunMse COMMAND my_application "--refit=true")
set_tests_properties(MyAppIntegration.testRefitRunMse PROPERTIES PASS_REGULAR_EXPRESSION "mse\\=1\\.53611e\\-05")
Now I would like to do the same as above but running the application to detect memory errors e.g. simply run ./my_application
and check for memory errors with valgrind. How can I do that? Note that I am aware of ctest -D ExperimentalMemCheck
and ctest -T memcheck
but here I end up with the error Cannot find file DartConfiguration.tcl
which seems related to the Dashboard configuration that I don't need.