Another problem that I am getting with Indexed DB for HTML5, using Desktop Chrome, is that I can not delete a record from an object store. The onsuccess event is triggered but the record is still there... My ID is a time stamp just because I wanted to achieve a working app faster. I hardcoded it but it still does not work. It is really strange because the onsuccess event is triggered...
The part of the code that "does it" is the following:
try {
if (localDatabase != null && localDatabase.db != null)
var store = localDatabase.db.transaction("patients", "readwrite").objectStore("patients");
var request = store.delete("1384882073632");
request.onsuccess = function(event)
alert("Patient deleted from DB");
aux1.value = "";
aux2.value = "";
aux3.value = "";
aux4.value = "";
request.onerror = function(event)
alert("Error deleting");
Thank you in advance!